Coordinator Duties
The three SCBMC Coordinator positions and duties:
1. Annual Meeting Coordinator: Plans annual meeting including date, meeting time, route to meeting and confirming lunch reservations. Coordinator will lead the annual meeting including recognizing past event planners, reviewing events of the previous year, and opening the floor to any members who want to share their views of the club or suggest item to be voted on. Coordinator will facilitate voting process as detailed in Guidelines section of club website.After the meeting, the Coordinator will generate an overview to be emailed to all members. Optional duties: Award bottles of wine/certificates to members who have earned special notice from efforts of the preceding season.
2. Event Schedule Coordinator: In advance the annual meeting, Coordinator will generate a schedule of the upcoming season’s events. This will include contacting previous event planners for repeat events and networking with members and clubs as to new events. At the annual meeting, Coordinator will provide copies of the upcoming season events for members. Further, Coordinator will send event schedule to all members via email and post on website. Coordinator will update website accordingly as new events are identified. Optional duties: At the annual meeting, Coordinator may facilitate a Round-Robin introduction of all members and their cars and pick three “Best Member’s Cars”, and award bottles of wine or certificates.
3. Event Notices Coordinator: Maintain database of members and email addresses. Coordinator will send group email to notify/remind members as to upcoming events. Optional duties: After each event, Coordinator will follow up with event planner for photos and brief text reviewing event to be sent out to all members. Coordinator may also edit and present these reviews in powerpoint form at annual meeting.
Web duties: Unless decided otherwise, all three Coordinators will share duties in maintenance of website. Specific duties include (but are not limited to) obtaining new member photos, updating member photos as needed, documenting any changes made to the club via voting in the Guidelines section, working with web administrator as to updates, and setting up means of voluntary, online contributions for web costs to all members. Future additions to the website may include archiving previous event schedules and event reviews.