
At the 2021 Annual Meeting it was decided to allow for online voting. Further conversation came to specific details as to the voting process. 

  1. Any proposal to be voted on must be brought up in person by the member at the Annual Meeting. Online suggestions will not be accepted.
  2. A proposal must be seconded by another member at the Annual Meeting to be considered for online voting. 
  3. After being seconded at the Annual meeting, the proposal must be submitted via email to the Annual Meeting Coordinator within seven days. Proposals not submitted within seven days will be voided. 
  4. If at the Annual meeting there is a counter or alternative to the proposal, it must be submitted via email to the Annual Meeting Coordinator within seven days.
  5. At the end of the seven day deadline, the Annual Meeting Coordinator will email out all proposals to the membership within 48 hours.
  6. Online voting will be open for seven days. Voting will be closed at the end of that period.  
  7. Coordinators will review the votes and report vote outcome to members within 24 hours. 

Approximate timeline for voting after Annual Meeting: 

  • Seven days to submit proposals and counters. 
  • 48 hours to send ballot to members
  • Seven days for online voting
  • 24 hours to report on outcome
  • At longest, two weeks and three days to conclude voting process.